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Windows 2003 မ႗ာ login လုပ္စရာမလုိဘဲ Shutdown လုပ္နည္း

Windows 2003 မ႗ာ login လုပ္စရာမလုိဘဲ Shutdown လုပ္နည္းနဲႆ
Shutdown လုပ္တဲ့အခႁ ဘာေႌကာင့္ လုပ္တာလဲ ဆုိတာ ထည့္စရာမလိုတဲ့နည္း
Two of the most annoying things about being a developer using Windows 2003 in my mind are: (1) the shutdown dialog which forces you to fill out why you're shutting down, and (2) the lack of the shutdown button on the login dialog. Fortunately, remedying both is pretty simple.
1. Start / Run / gpedit.msc
2. Drill into Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options. Find the entry named "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on". Double click on it, change it to "Enabled".
3. Drill into Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / System. Find the entry named "Display Shutdown Event Tracker". Double click on it, change it to "Disabled".
That's it. A quick log-off and log-on and you'll be able to check that everything stuck. Still looking for a way to restore XP's click-to-login screen when the machine is not a domain controller...
... Ko Sann Oo မ႗ မႉေ၀ေပးသည္ ...


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