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Auto Login in Windows Server 2003

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MS Windows Server 2003 rSm
Auto-Logon jzpfcsif&if . . .

Use Registry Editor to
Turn On Automatic Logon

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems
that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee
that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly.
Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To use Registry Editor
(Regedt32.exe) to turn on automatic logon, follow these steps: 1. Click Start,
and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type Regedt32.exe, and then press ENTER.

3. Locate the following subkey in the registry:


4. Double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type your user name, and then click

5. Double-click the DefaultPassword entry, type your password, and then click
OK.NOTE: If the DefaultPassword value does not exist, it must be added. To add
the value, follow these steps:

a. On the Edit menu, click
New, and then point to String Value.

b. Type DefaultPassword, and then press ENTER.

c. Double-click DefaultPassword.

d. In the Edit String dialog, type your password and then click OK.

NOTE: If no DefaultPassword string is specified, Windows automatically changes
the value of the AutoAdminLogon key from 1 (true) to 0 (false), disabling the
AutoAdminLogon feature.

6. On the Edit menu, click New, and then point to String Value.

7. Type AutoAdminLogon, and then press ENTER.

8. Double-click AutoAdminLogon.

9. In the Edit String dialog box, type 1 and then click OK.

10. Quit Registry Editor.

11. Click Start, click Shutdown, and then type a reason in the Comment text

12. Click OK to turn off your computer.

13. Restart your computer. You can now log on automatically.

NOTE: To bypass the AutoAdminLogon process, and to log on as a different user,
hold down the SHIFT key after you log off or after Windows restarts.


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